Seeing the top 10 most played games on each platform every month will also tell you how little exclusives matter the way they did 10+ years ago. Everyone is going multiplat now in one way or another.
It's now become more about what platform your friends are playing on, the amount of achievements/platinum's you've unlocked, how big of a digital library you have on *x* platform.
You're not going to convince someone who has 100 Platinums, 100+ digital game purchases, and 100 friends on PlayStation to move over to Xbox the way many PS2 users switched to the 360 in the 7th gen. After the 7th gen, everything you've built up is now embedded on the platform that you've primarily played on for the past decade. While some will buy multiple consoles, the majority of the gaming landscape can't afford to buy more than one console, and the data points to those who do have a console, are most likely spending the overwhelming majority of their time and money on one of the big live service games.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind