konnichiwa said:
We are on the internet so it seems very combatative, but I am just tired of the 'whatever xbox does people will hate it or don't want a xbox' and your post seemed to be indicated as evidence for that narrative. |
But then you went on to say exactly what I said, Lol.
It's not about hate, it may not even be about wanting an Xbox, it is simply pointing out that there's millions of gamers who are firmly rooted in their platforms and for various reasons won't buy another platform no matter how many exclusives it receives, however once those games come over to their platform, they will buy it in large numbers.
It's consumer habit, they don't want to start fresh elsewhere, they don't want to spend hundreds of dollars for a few titles they're interested in, they don't have a lack of games to play on their own platform, the opposite platform gets some great exclusives that they may want, but then they go and play the dozens of games that the platform they're on is already receiving and move on.
Point being the issue was never the games, I can assure you they'll be dozens of Xbox IP which sell millions on PlayStation and many of those will be new users to the franchises. Nobody is able to give me a number of how many great exclusives a platform must have to then start moving consoles in large numbers, is it 10? Is it 20? Is it 30? Does it matter? Who knows. We already have 3 examples for Xbox of former exclusives doing great on PlayStation and they'll be many more, how many will it take to show that the games were never the issue?
Instead of trying to force them to you, who knows how long that would take, how many billions down the drain, how many IPs will suffer because of it, it is instead better to simply go where the players are and ultimately, Xbox had to take this route because they're the weaker platforms, that's the facts of the matter, PlayStation doesn't need to, Xbox does.
So all I meant by my comment is that, there's a lot of PS Gamers who will never buy an Xbox console but will buy a lot of the former Xbox exclusives, as we keep on seeing, a bit like how a huge portion of PC Gamers refuse to use EGS no matter what exclusives it received, Lol. Consumer habits are hard to change and people nowadays want the content to come to them.
If you disagree with that, then fine, we will agree to disagree because I can't be arsed to debate this, but I was never emotional, Lol.