Pemalite said: Except we (Australia) don't sell to Americans now for our main commodities. |
As much as it pains me this will only contribute more to global warming, Canada is also diversifying away from the USA.
Canada's trade with both Europe and China is on the rise, with particularly significant growth in imports from China and exports to the European Union, largely driven by the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) which has facilitated increased trade between the regions.
We have / had 72.9% of our exports to the US in 2022, 71.4% in 2023, and 49.9% of our imports from the US in 2022, 51.4% in 2023.
UK was our biggest growth market (+144% growth) followed by India and The Netherlands, US on decline (-4.62%)
Japan our biggest import growth (+16.3%) followed by France and Germany, US on decline (-1.6%)
We are the biggest export market for the USA at 14.5% of the US' exports followed by Mexico at 13.1, China 8.3% (Germany 5.1%, UK 4.2%)
Mexico is the biggest import market for the USA at 15.2% of US' imports followed by China at 14.5%, Canada 13.6% (Germany 5.2%, Japan 4.8%)
The biggest growth market for the US is Germany (+9.29% exports, +7.89% imports)
So why piss off your biggest markets?
US' exports to Russia sits at 0.032%, Imports at 0.16%. (US' exports to Ukraine 0.14%, Imports 0.023%)
I guess Trump/Musk see that as a big opportunity to make money. Biggest growth potential to take advantage of now Ukraine doesn't want to be pillaged by the US.
Israel is US' biggest protectorate, yet trade US' exports to Israel is only 0.5% (Driven by Diamonds and Weapons)
and 0.26% of imports (Driven by Diamonds and Electronics)
Yet Netanyahu and Putin are Trump's biggest friends.
(And now I see why Germany is deep up Netanyahu's ass as well, playing ball with the USA, 4th biggest market for the US while US is the biggest export market for Germany 10.1%, 3rd biggest import market 6.9%, China 11.9% and Netherlands 7.0% preceding)