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Shaunodon said:
firebush03 said:

You make a really compelling case for this game. I’m stuck between skipping & (finally!) doing my first playthrough of either Zelda OoT, TP, or SS, or giving X a chance. I’ve *really* been trying to motivate myself to start playing Xenoblade games…they just never click for me for wtvr reason. I have Xenoblade 1, 2, & 3 for NSW yet haven’t put more than a combined 7hr into them.

Xenoblade X is definitely the most 'play however you want and go whichever direction you like' of all the Xenoblade games. So if you prefer games that won't lead you by the nose and give you ultimate freedom, Breath of the Wild style, this is definitely the one to start with.

All of the Xenoblade games are great though. They just all require you to invest a lot of time into them.

Nah, story was way better than Chronicles 2. Unless you really like harem anime.