Random_Matt said: $599 will not exist, but I do enjoy AMD fans saying 'thank you AMD' on other sites. Apparently, some UK guy says a distributor has told him to expect £700+. |
I have nop doubts that some AIB will try to push things to the limit, just like they're doing with the 5000 series. After all, if they can get away with it on Nvidia cards, they can do the same with the AMD ones, right? Plus AMD cards sell less and the more they can charge for them, the more they'll make to get back the marketing and designing costs.
At the same time, AMD is more generous with the profit margins AIBs have than Nvidia (they have no other option with their sales being far less than team green), so the partners aren't is such need to inflate prices.
Plus, there's the supply issue which, if AMD has managed to build enough stock, will face less pressure and will keep those price gouging tactics more in check, as there'll always be a cheaper card from another brand, And while a small price increase may not be a problem for die-hards of certain brands, if that difference starts to grow, so will the number loyal customers that will buy your overpriced product. It's the whole "the market regulates itself" idea that sometimes work but, admittedly, others don't.
We'll see how it goes.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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