JRPGfan said:
only777 said:
Xbox is 3rd party now. But they still need a gamepass delivery machine. |
Only if they care more about growing gamepass for its potential.... which is many many years down the road in the future, than actually profits from selling software/games can generate (here and now).
Its like that they don't.... well of course they care.... but not to the degree they are willing to give up making money (that just being a 3rd party publisher could bring in).
As it stands, now. I think they care more about their big publishing studios and their potential to sell games, than they do about gamepass or their own console hardware. That's basically what I'm trying to say.
So right now, xbox priorities are like this: big publishing houses doing well (selling as 3rd party) > game-pass potential in future > console hardware.
If game-pass or consoles sales get in the way..... they could be cut. That is how I think xbox views things, after spending those $70-80bn on building up their studios. The value of their studios, currently is more important than anything, for xbox.
So basically, if they get things going at a good pace, software wise and selling games. They won't give two sh*ts about game-pass imo.
How many projects have Microsoft closed down? Who's to say that game-pass won't just be another one such? |
MS is all about subscriptions to maintain revenue. But they're finding out now it's much easier to keep companies subscribed than fickle consumers that can't simply write off subscriptions as business expenses and subscribe selectively.
Selling games is still more profitable than renting them out when people subscribe for a month here and there. It's fine for older games but day 1 releases on rental services is shooting yourself in the foot.
So they might drop day 1 access first and/or raise the prices further, which will shrink interest in gamepass. But as long as they can get sales from other platforms gamepass will survive. Kind of a contradiction, more gamepass growth, less revenue for new releases.