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There are multiple types out there, but the ones I've come across over the years vary from:

  • Ones dedicated to the grind, be it in an MP game to unlock gear/weapons or in SP games.
  • Ones dedicated to the lore of any given game that they take interest in.
  • Ones dedicated to becoming the best at something in a competitive game (Like Starcraft II or WoW PVP for example).

Generally it's people being driven by their love/passion for something so greatly, that they will dedicate months if not years of their lives towards said games/franchises. Normies/casual types tend to drop off said games after a time, but the hardcore types stick with entire franchises for years if not decades.

Most of us on this site are what one could call a hardcore gamer. We all tend to have our own core interests in our favourite franchises, be for the stories, the mechanics, the visuals, etc. Also hardcore gamer types tend to put in far more time into the games they love to play, be it on a daily or weekly, sometimes monthly basis.

Last edited by Chazore - 3 days ago

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.