DroidKnight said:
Can you give us some background of what this is before we click on some random video? |
Just finished watching it. Pretty much nothing we didn't already know lol. The entire viewpoint is still from an a "consoles as a walled garden" mindset though rather than focusing on the entirely different path that Xbox wants to be.
Funny enough, he starts the video saying how ahead of the curve Xbox was for each generation, with the XOne being too ahead of the curve to the point we now have a PS5 to where you cannot activate your own disc drive if PSN is down.
The biggest irony of the video though that Colin fails to realize being is how seemingly ahead of the curve Xbox is now with now Sony tearing down their own walled garden. Sony published 10 games in 2024. Number of games that aren't on PC - 2. At a time that Sony has made more money than any other generation and yet have also had 6 studio closures this generation alone.
The industry is changing in dramatic ways where successful games can get studios shutdown, and it continually looks like Xbox is going to try to handle their hardware the way that Valve does. Niche first party hardware for those who want it and won't be subsidized. We obviously have no idea if any of it will work, but it's something they feel like they need to do to survive.
Although, there is one thing I definitely agreed with from the video......Microsoft itself is not a "creative" company lol
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind