CCU IMO is meant to be more for fun, it's one piece of a large puzzle, of course when a game hits extreme highs on CCU it points to a large success but just because a game doesn't hit high CCUs on Steam it does not automatically mean it's a failure. People have became too obsessed with CCUs nowadays and too focused on using it to determine success or failure. It's like how Metacritic stopped being fun when it got overtaken by console wars. Also, CCUs can't be applied to every single genre, type of videogame on an even scale.
If a game has like 100 CCUs then that obviously paints a bad picture but it can't be said with certainty that a 10k-100k CCU count is automatically a failure when there's a number of other factors at play to take into account. Also Josh Sawyer literally did a video on this a few weeks ago saying that RPGs don't tend to be massive sellers right out of the gate but instead have strong legs. If Avowed hits some CCU high then awesome, if it doesn't then it doesn't mean it's a failure, is all G2 and others are trying to say.