Darc Requiem said: The 50 Series lauch has been a comedy of errors. It's interesting to see the people that are usually seen complaining about AMD drivers in various comment sections go into hiding right now. |
Apparently even Nvidia's own staff cannot get hold of those cards, which just makes this the most paper launch I have ever seen.
It also isn't helping that now due to the tariffs and the ceased production of the previous line, people are resorting to upselling their 4080/90's for way more than what they were originally worth. This is just going to really gut punch people who waited for the 5000 series, saw the signs and wanted to go back and try investing in a 4000 series card, and now they can't really do that due to the limited ones floating around out there being priced higher.
This is why I find it both annoying and super convenient for Nvidia to cease production in advance, so that whatever they threw onto the market just floats around to get bought up by both regulars and scalpers, release a new line and then this situation happens, so you're kinda boxed into buying Nvidia's newer series.
Once I sell my house, I'll be wanting to create a new rig, but seeing as how the 4000 series is being priced, and how the 5000 series is turning out, I feel like I'm getting fucked on both sides before I even have any money in my hand. Honestly I hate scalpers and I really don't like the folks who clearly own what would be considered a second hand product and trying to upsell it for double/triple the price (it's not a doll or a time piece watch from the early 1900's, that could be worth more in value now and is clearly super limited/one of a kind, but these are GPU's that were created in the hundreds if not thousand, and a few years since production eased does not increase it's value the way they think it would).
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.