PoE2 just had another patch, supposedly fixing many things.
The font got a bit bigger for loot on the screen, loot still sucks though.
The end game is broken, seems to be balanced on hardcore grinding who pass items down via the trade website. Since we're not trading (can't even go online in couch co-op, probably cause my wife doesn't have/want a PSN account) we can't absorb the heavy blows and other nonsense random instant death mechanics.
2 hours of grinding wasted in an instant from XP loss. Of course also lose the way stone, the loot left on screen, the modifiers on the map, and the mood to continue. I had to record it to find out what killed us. It's the first time we fought this sub boss again since the campaign. We didn't have that issue then.
With (sudden occasional) damage scaled to characters with 10x the hp and energy shield as us mere mortals have, it's becoming more frustrating every next death.
We logged off, stared at the other characters we made a while ago and went to watch tv. What's the point in playing new characters if this is what it leads to anyway.
PoE2 better not get invested in it, couch co-op score 4/10. But no doubt we'll try again as there's no alternative. (D4 but not feeling it, plus psn account is required for that in couch co-op)