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Tober said:

Pachter predicted the Switch would fail....
Pachter said Ubisoft needs to jump on the Gaas train to survive.....

100 million subscriptions? Not a chance. People tight for money play Free to Play games, cheaper indies or wait for a price cut.

The attachment rate for a console is around 8-9 games. That comes down to an average of 1-2 games a year. Let say 2 for $60 as example. People that have the budget of $120 a year to own games, are not going for a $200 subscription to own nothing. That is madness.

I think on xbox series s/x the attach rate is like ~3 games instead (because how much gamepass effects buying habbits).

On the PS4 it was over 12 games. From leaks it appears for its time on the market, the PS5 is selling as much software or more,
than the PS4 was at this time in its life (PS5 is obviously not there yet, its still early/mid in its life cycle).

Switch is nearing 10 games pr console I think?

It varies from console to console.

"People that have the budget of $120 a year to own games, are not going for a $200 subscription to own nothing. That is madness."

^ very much agree. Gamepass doesn't make sense for everyone.

"Pachter predicted the Switch would fail...."

^ He did? wow.... Even when I was really pessimistic about the switch before its launch, I think the worst I thought was like "it'll do 40m".
Time proved me wrong. Hell I got one... and today I think its going over 160m (its the new #1 console).