Thanks, Rhonin.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: AMD releases FSR 3.1.3 and Anti-Lag 2 plugins for Unreal Engine 5.5 |
About f*cking time! They need to be able to release those pluggins faster if they want more games using their techs.
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Very interesting video. Not so much about LTT as them being wrong about things isn't that unusual but the part about Nvidia vs AMD. Worth a watch. |
I tried to watch it, but I think I lasted 5 minutes before being confused.
Before I give it another try, who is the guy? Like, is he someone with knowledge and talks from things he's seen? Also, what it the video really about? Because he starts attacking an LTT video for saying that ray tracing hardware is the future, which is something we've already talked here and we agree that, like it or not, it is, but then he goes on to say that we're being lied by the media, that upscaling makes games blurry, and that Ghost of Tsushima is a bad port... and then is when I stopped watching it because the whole LTT video seems like a bait to get more viewers.
Chazore said:
Amazed how tone death he comes off as with his whataboutism argument. "you guys are mad that we had to launch the game, then take it down for 2 years, then re-launch it again and take your money only to take it down again?, well death threats are bad m'kay. Like yeah death threats are bad, but my god so is taking money twice in a row for a live service game you barely kept up for many years. Blizzard still keeps Heroes of the Storm going, a moba since 2013 that had skins and maps all the way up to 2020, but WB just can't keep anything going without either cancelling it, or squeezing the lemon dry. "you're entitled to say what you think" means sweet fuck all when we know he doesn't care (he can claim he cares all he wants, but words from publishers/studios mean absolute feck all, when actions speak far louder). He's still going to shut down the game, and still unlikely to care about the money ppl dumped into the game. His massive focus on the very few sending those threats tells me he's looking for excuses not to budge, which to me comes off as more vile. Again someone who doesn't want to own up and coming from a high up place, what a surprise (to the shock of no one). |
I'm sorry for those that spend money on the game, but it's a free to play game and whatever money they did spend on it, it was for microtransactions or things like that.
Also, he is the head of the studio that made the game, not from WB. I very much doubt he or anyone from the studio had any saying about the decision to close the game.
So no, I don't think he's "tone deaf", he's sympathetic with the players because he's also frustrated but can't say what he really wants to say because they still depend on who is actually responsible, WB, to keep the studio alive.
And on another note, if the game lost WB $100 last year, it shouldn't come as a surprise that they want to close it before it costs them even more. It sucks for those who liked, played and spent money on the game, but it's a business and they need to make money.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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