Norion said:
That's not true, the Series S will be better than it aside from the Switch 2 having a RAM advantage. And it'll be able to run the clear majority but anything that is particularly CPU intensive will be an issue. |
The Ram advantage is only in a single aspect. Total capacity.
We don't know how much Ram is available to developers... The Series S is extremely "lean" in that regard.
And the Series S has faster Ram.
killer7 said: Generations are defined on when they launched. vgchartz chartz on the front page does it right. The latest Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony systems are part of the same generation. If Sony was to launch PS6 and MS came out with an Xboxwhatever they both would compete with Switch 2 in the same generation. Talks like "generations are over", "console wars are over" are wrong. As long as there are consoles with physical games from at least 2 different brands there are generations and there will be competition. |
There are lots of different ways we can define a generation... And it doesn't have to be so rigid and unmoving as you would imply just to satiate your own immovable world-view.
We have storage medium generations for example... Tape, Mechanical Hard Drives, Solid State Drives or... Carts, CD Rom, DVD Rom, Blu-Ray and then Streaming.
By "years launched" is one possible way. - But wouldn't that also make the PS5 Pro a 10th gen console? And who gets to start the generation?
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