kopstudent89 said: The only way I see that happening is Nintendo lending development resources to achieve that. Game Freak has been content with business as usual, even going as far as reusing assets from an outdated system like the 3DS. They seem resistant to the longer, more complex development cycles required for modern gaming and lack expertise in creating those types of experiences. |
Personally I think this is something that casual players of the franchise miss. When you go further into the battle mechanics that Game Freak ahve built 9n every generation, they have continually changed and altered the mechanics. I don’t know quite what you’re expecting in terms of gameplay for if you’re after real time combat rather than the turn based system Pokemon has alway used then I think youll always be disappointed because I doubt they’ll ever bring that in. Closest will likely remain Pokken tournament.
As for ‘unrealsied potential’, I think that concept is better in a spin-off rather than breaking the current formula.