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super_etecoon said:
JackHandy said:

Like the TV and movie industry, the game industry is currently infected with people who either think art is an inherent weapon for social change, or art is a chance to convince people that they're on the good side of history, according to them. I don't like that.

As mentioned in another thread, I play games to escape the real world. Mario and Zelda and Sonic let me do that. The rest? Not so much.

Ok, I see your rant, but I don’t see the actual games you’re talking about. 

If you can't look at today's games and see a difference from the games released between 1977-2005, then I don't know what to tell you lol. It use to be that people would dream something up, pitch the idea to a publisher, and if it was compelling enough, the game would get green-lit and that was that. Now, there's a checklist involved. And if all those boxes aren't ticked off, it's a no go from the start. And that's not even getting into the development houses themselves (some of them, anyway), which are now populated with people who think it's their mission to change the world with video games. I mean, come on. It's video games, not the freakin' UN, or senate.

Activism has it's place. But with it always comes arguing, debating, fighting, screaming, riots and even murder. In short, it's ugly. Very ugly. And I don't want that anywhere near my video games, movie or TV shows. Those, I go to to breathe for awhile; to get away. So if you're going to put that stuff into your games, I'm going to take one quick look, go nope, and then walk away immediately and find something else to consume. 

Like Nintendo games.

Or retro.