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JEMC said:
sc94597 said:

Mostly 4k 60hz displays (a 4k 60hz television, portable monitor, and 32inch monitor.) For VR games (90hz + at > max resolution) it does get fully utilized though. My living room TV is 4k 120hz, so it would be a good fit to put in that PC when I eventually get the 5090. If Nvidia doesn't solve the stock problem by May, I might just get a Project Digits (depending on memory bandwidth) and skip the 5090. 

You game on a 4K display and the 4080 is underutilized? Don't let Nvidia hear you saying that.

Yeah, for the overwhelming majority of games, even AAA games, the 4080 is able to get well over 60fps at max settings, even more if you optimize settings for quality-to-performance rather than just maxing everything out. Of course if we're talking about Cyberpunk with path-tracing or any other of the handful of demanding titles one has to use DLSS, and it'll be fully utilized, but that is the exception rather than the rule. 

This is even more true now that the transformer DLSS model is so great at upscaling, and capable of near native quality (or even exceeding native quality) at even balanced DLSS.

I suppose I could turn on DLAA or DLDSR + DLSS in many titles, but on the screen sizes/distances of these displays it isn't very noticeable. 

If I were a gaming only user, I think the best way to go about things is to upgrade to a new upper-mid range card every other GPU generation (4 years or so.)