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Made me chuckle to remember that grifting rage baiter claiming Obsidian has lost all their veteran talent.

I believe Josh Saywer did a YouTube video recently where he spoke about Obsidian's pipeline, I believe he said that working on 5 projects at once was their peak before and suggested that wasn't a smart idea? If I'm remembering correctly, so I don't know if Obsidian is going to become a 5 project studio, Lol. I think they were juggling 4 recently (Pentiment, The Outer Worlds 2, Avowed and Grounded).

Now they have Avowed, The Outer Worlds 2.

I do believe we'll get a Grounded 2, it likely has the best profit margins of any Obsidian title, Lol.

I can't see a Fallout happening without it killing The Outer Worlds IP to make room.