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The Friday news are here!


Alas, it's been estimated that WoW's $90 FOMO dinosaur mount probably made Blizzard around $15-17 million, and at this point I think we all deserve to be here
Dear reader, I have a lot of positive words to say about World of Warcraft recently. The way Blizzard and its developers have clawed their way back from the pits of hell in Shadowlands is downright commendable, and the game is in one of the best states it's been in in years. Not perfect, mind you. Rewards systems are still a little wobbly, and there are your usual barrel of glitches, but it's all a damn sight better.
But that $90 dinosaur mount, temporarily added to the store, which had a huge quality of life feature slapped onto the side? It's the most brazenly, transparently-engineered microtransactional nonsense move I've seen out of the company in quite some time. It's utter and complete rot, selling a mobile auction house at a premium for a small window—so that those who bought in have a permanent advantage? Gross. Naturally, though, a ton of players bought them and paraded them around Dornogal in some kind of prehistoric frenzy.
Well, turns out, in an estimate by WoWHead, it probably made Blizzard millions of dollars. Nearly $17 million, though this number comes with some caveats, which I'll get into in a moment.
>>*Sigh* We get what we deserve and, thanks to things like this, we deserve nothing but being milked to death.




Dark Souls 3 Visual Overhaul Mod Available for Download
Modder ‘fromsoftserve’ has just released his Visual Overhaul Mod for the third Dark Souls game, Dark Souls 3. This mod aims to completely overhaul the game’s graphics. So, let’s take a look at it.
DS3 Visual Overhaul LOD removes the object and texture pop-ins that plagued the game. Moreover, it modifies reflectance maps to fix overly metallic look, and enhances the SSAO. The mod also improves pointlights by modifying their falloff, and adds dynamic shadows.
It’s also worth noting that the mod removes the hero light that was used on the main character and the enemies. As such, all characters will now feel more grounded in the environment. Plus, it removes vignette and colorgrading, and it adjusts lightmap usage of normalmaps.
In future versions, the modder will upscale all textures in the game and save them as BC7 texture compression. Furthermore, he will add parallax occlusion mapping to more surfaces.
>> The article has an over 3 minutes video.


Invariant is a Half-Life-inspired FPS from former Serious Sam devs
Now here is a game that passed under my radar. Last month, Faros Interactive released a teaser trailer for its upcoming Half-Life-inspired FPS, Invariant. So, let’s take a look at it, shall we?

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.