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I also think Switch 2 will be sucessull. Why i m so (not peimistic but) carefull has a logical reason. Remember expectations in the WiiU? Sucessor to the market leading Nr.1 console of Gen 7 selling 100 million+ consoles? "It cannot do worse than 50 million"- thats only one prediction i remember. We know how that turned out. I also remember the PS3- sucessor to the PS2, the most sold video gaming system- how could it ever fail?! Nr. 1 is secured. 100 milliom+ is the floor, "Revolution (codename of the Wii) is chanceless", "Xbox is a nobody". We also know the end of that one. It only managed to stay ~ on par with the Xbox, if vgchartz was to be believed MS did even sell more software than PS3 and Wii was Nr.1. Also the infamous "walkman of the 21 century" that was supposed to be a Gameboy Killer even failing to hit 100 million should serve as an example!

In Skandinavia you say: Don't sell the fish before you caught it! Anything can happen. Thats why i am putting 30- 50 million as a pesimistic floor for the Switch 2. I am no Switch 2 hater and I think it will be higher but i don't want to look like a fool, predicting gold and platin only to recieve bronce and metal after.