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LegitHyperbole said:

Can you TLDR. I don't want to give IGN traffic.

They used to be a 2 project team studio.
So while pre-production, and planning, everyone would go do the otherthing, while they where not directly needed at the time for their own thing.
(and vice-versa). This way, they would always have people working for them, doing something, in this studio.


Gary McKay, wrote that the studio is "taking this opportunity between full development cycles to reimagine how we work at BioWare."

"Given this stage of development, we don’t require support from the full studio,"

"..we have worked diligently over the past few months to match many of our colleagues with other teams at EA that had open roles that were a strong fit."

"While we're not sharing numbers, the studio has the right number of people in the right roles to work on Mass Effect at this stage of development."
(why should we tell you, how many people we fired? and how many are working on Mass Effect atm? We think it's enough for now)


Bioware is no longer a 2 project team studio (it's implied by Gary, and repeated by IGN).
People not needed, are being fired (they are in pre-planning Mass Effect stage, don't need everyone at the studio who currently is).
Some that were deemed really tallented, if needed other places, were put there instead (most were probably just let go)
(they won't give numbers, its likely alot).

The good news, is a year down the line, when they are ready to start full production or something...
They might rehire some of these people, if they are then still looking for work, and want to give it another go.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 30 January 2025