Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Honestly it feels like the gpu market is rigged. And I don't mean in the usual duopoly sense where you have two companies that don't want to step on each others toes. I mean in the sense that Nvidia seems to make all the decisions... Even for Radeon. RDNA 3 was the biggest hint at this sorta scenario. Before release if I was Radeons competitor, I'd be putting my best foot forward in every area. 6900XT went toe to toe against 3090 so the idea of Radeon developing an MCM monster sounds like something that would make Nvidia have nightmares. Yet when Lovelace launched, they perfectly configured the 4080 to be as fast as a 7900XTX? Like sure 7900XTX was a bit faster in Raster while 4080 a bit faster in RT but they were largely within spitting distance of each other for Raster. So it's like, uhh how does Nvidia know? Similar thing with this gen. It takes time for GPU companies to configure specs of the skus they are gonna sell, takes time for distribution to get their shat together, takes time to let their partners know, etc. Yet Nvidia knew well ahead of time that Radeon is gonna not bother competing at the high end. And while there's rumours about 9070 XT being as fast as a 4080 Super, I highly doubt that while Radeons own slides show around 7900XT performance. So it feels like the GPU space is predetermined even before the generation gets started. It really does feel like Jensen and Su sits at the dinner table and plans all this out. The only outlier thus far is clearly intel with the B580 launch and until they can get their drivers together, I think we are going to continue to see awful improvements outside of the 90 class. |
Have you looked into Jensen and Lisa?. Like I've looked at China/Taiwanese business, and over there it's basically operated by companies owned by larger fish and made to look like there's competition going on, but there really isn't, because everyone's on the same side so to speak.
In the West it's starting to become that way (MS/Sony/Apple/Google/Epic and so on buying up tons of little and middle fish), and when you have both the East & West operating like a Chinese market, then none of us are going to win, because the biggest fish can fuck around with the pricing all they want, or just sit back, because they're the only ones in town.
LIke yeah, I get it, we're to blame, but at the same time we're also not?. We buy shit for sure, but these companies have all ventured into different markets and made multiple rev streams that have allowed them to become this big, so really we're a fraction to blame for this result, the other is that they have reached a point where they don't care and don't feel they have to compete at all. We keep pissing on AMD to stop fumbling the job, but do they really care?.
When I phrase it like that it will come off as a legit question of "do they care?", but when you look at how "competition" works in regions like China, it's obvious that there was no caring to begin with, only duopolies. The way AMD is acting right now, despite them having far less market share and brand awareness, still tells me they are just doing this because they can, not because they "need to", or "it's the only logical thing to do". I'm starting to think this is on purpose, because then when 2 out of the 3 are busy just not giving a shit multiple gens in a row, we're left with just Intel, and we know how Intel has been like for decades, are they truly the last one to actually care?.
I just think at this point we are being played for suckers and think there's "real" competition. I've seen how Disney, WB and more operate. This current era we're in feels like no one wants to directly compete, but rather passively exist and not provide good value/pricing (hence why we're seeing every fucking thing being turned into either always online-based spy crap, or "rent a product/service/house" business model).
I definitely believe Jensen and Lisa keep in regular contact, because this fits the same way how business "competition" is done in China, and I fucking hate it, because it's not competition at all, it's playing everyone for idiots while skimming off at the top. It's like if Stalin liked Capitalism, but also wanted to dictate a market rolled into one (Jen/Lisa deciding how the market will play out ahead of time and making sure things happen according to their desires may as well be a form of dictatorship of a market, instead of letting competition occur organically, and within actual capitalist rules).
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"