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The Tuesday news:


Steam’s Top 10

(Click here for the Top 100).

By the way, the data from last week was incorrect. They’ve have since fixed it and you can check the real results from the week ending Jan 21st, from here.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth debuts to the highest peak concurrent users of the series on Steam—except for the MMO, naturally
Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth has finally ambled its way over to PC, and it's landing with—hold your breath—moderate to solid success! Please imagine me firing some party poppers at your leisure. As seen on the game's SteamDB page, Rebirth has thus far enjoyed a peak concurrent player count of around 40,000, which is none too shabby.
While "big franchise does solid" is not super interesting in itself, it's a curiouser number when lined up against other entries in the franchise. It is (aside from Final Fantasy 14, which is an MMO and enjoyed an exodus of WoW players during Shadowlands) the highest-ranking peak concurrent player count in the series (via VGC).
That puts it a clean 13,056 hype measurements above Final Fantasy 16, the latest game in the series, that pulled in 27,508 players at its peak. It's an actually downright impressive leap when compared to the first FF7 remake, though—which you'd expect to be higher, given how pessimistic Square has been about Rebirth's comparative performance. But, no, that peaked at a considerably humble 13,803 players on Steam.

GOG has launched the Capcom Fire Deals, consisting of three games with 20, 66 and 84% discounts for the next 14 days:

Steam has these deals:

And Fanatical's new Star Deal is Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2, with a 30% deal during 48 hours:




-Also nothing-


STALKER 2 Update 1.1.4 Released, Is 13GB, Full Patch Notes
GSC GameWorld has just released the first title update of the year 2025 for STALKER 2, and shared its full patch notes. This update is 13GB in size, so let’s see what it brings to the table.

Doom: The Dark Ages will use the Denuvo anti-tamper tech
Doom: The Dark Ages is a game that a lot of PC gamers are looking forward to. However, it appears that the game will be using the controversial Denuvo anti-tamper tech.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.