Shtinamin_ said:
I guess the main reason why Nintendo is keeping the hybrid nature as a core pillar of their consoles now is cause it simplifies everything they do as a company and provides the biggest audience to make more money. Personally I don’t really know what Nintendo would innovate next as I feel like they found a system that works. On the go, at home, (and rumors have Switch 2 be PC software compatible). I do agree that there were some disappointing performance issues with Switch, but it seems like Switch 2 is made to actually last 8+ years of production. |
In what way is it made for 8+ years? We know it’s well behind pa5 and xsx in power, which themselves are nearly 5 years old already. It will be the exact same situation as Switch if they ride it out that long. Miserably underpowered for the last 4-5 years.
And I never said anything about them abandoning hybrid. Absolutely not, going back would never work now. But that doesn’t mean they have to stick to the Switch brand and fail to innovate just bc it’s a hybrid console.