Not necessarily saying reboot mind you. But maybe a new mechanic or a complete overhaul. It can be a reboot if you think a series needs one but in what way?
I think Gears 6 will need to do something a little different and no a bad open world is not it. I don't think it needs to change its entire identity but I think it's time with modern hardware to update enemies a little. What I mean is have you ever played Binary Domain? If not shooting enemy limbs like shooting a leg they hobble or crawl. Shoot an arm and they can't hold a weapon. Shoot the head and they go nuts before exploding. Now those are robots but with the Swarm some of that can work. Limb damage. Affecting their movement and the weapons they use. Better AI as wack a mole needs to evolve. Keep the game linear and add a lot more enemy variety. 4/5 lack that. Lastly, crank up the gore to Space Marine 2 levels. Yes, I know the prequel is due out this year and I look forward to it but can only go back to Marcus well so many times. So I am thinking about the future. Kait or whoever is in G6.