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WOW.... you mean to tell us that the games industry would rebound if we all paid just HUNDREDS per game!?

What an absolute crock of moronic shit...

I swear, I swear to freaking god every businessman in this industry creams their pants when they mention a trend they so desperately want to see other businesses salivate at the mere mention of it.

"hey guys, gamers should totally pay $70 for games cus shits expensive or something"


"Hey guys, gamers could totes help us rebound or something if they start paying EVEN MORE, like $100 + MT's and season passes, cus gaming's sooooo expensive....totally omgawd"

That's literally how those asshat analysts and anyone else suggesting price hikes come off to me as. None of them even know the ramifications of their "line must go up, and up and up" mentality on the rest of the industry's economics. 

Think about it. We've gone from paying guarters/dimes in arcade machines to a few expensive early home consoles/PC's, but having complete games (for the most part), to games that are barely games and are more just the same shit, just a bigger skinners box with extra steps, but we get less content and still have to pay more.

Analysts really seem to love that DLC Mona Lisa meme.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"