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Nintendo already has the winning formula.
(if it ain't broke, don't fix it) (its just a better switch, with a normal name, Switch 2)

Launch early into the year (april-june), so you don't ruin your 1st holiday sales by stock issues.
Early adopters will get it anyways, anytime of year, and there are enough of them to give stock issues come holidays on top of everyone else.
So launching as they do pays off big time.

Keep its price reasonable, and make sure your production is on a roll (enough stock).
3D Mario is what carries Nintendo to a large degree...... (know your audience), so make sure its high quality and ready at launch.

With it being PS4-PS4pro level, I would like to see it get alot of ports, from games that skipped the 1st Switch.
Get the RPGs Nintendo!

Make sure online play and ranking is working and ready for the workload that a new Mario Kart will bring.