Finally finished Okami HD. I played the original back in 2006 when a friend brought it with him, but year 12 and the number of games I had back then meant that I didn't play it more than a few minutes. It only took 18 years to correct the error of my ways lol.
Great and unique game with a major flaw: It's not just "easy", the combat might well be the easiest ever in a memorable game that I played. I wasn't expecting this. I barely got hit until the final boss battle which is like the most sudden difficulty spike in a video game ever (Went from barely getting hit to using 3 Astral Pouches AND seeing the game over screen lol). The final boss is a blast, a shame the rest of the game's encounters including bosses are so poor in comparison. Hitboxes across the board should have been larger, it's super easy to evade virtually everything without paying much attention.
Even outside combat, I felt there was too much hand holding and red texts.