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Hmm PoE2 endgame is hit and miss. Not fond of losing xp when you die, not being able to resurrect your partner, nor running out of way stones to retry with still the same problem as in the rest of the game, one hit deaths.

I'm not sure how long my wife will still like playing this, the endgame stresses her out :/ Hopefully the upcoming patch makes it a bit more casual friendly as it's nice to have a change of scenery at least. (Don't want to trudge through the whole game a third time)

We also have no clue what all this endgame stuff is about, can't we just keep leveling and having fun instead of feeling like we need to go back to gaming school. This is what the endgame stuff feels like atm...

It feels more and more like the game is pushing you to the trade website to be able to keep up :(