Ryuu96 said:
Resident Evil 9 will likely release in the next few years so it will 100% be on Xbox Series X, Lol. Literally nothing will happen to Xbox Series X support, it is the best supported Xbox console ever and its support is increasing, not decreasing, it's only the next hardware after Series X that is understandable in having concerns for and I don't know if I can reassure you there, it's a decision you will have to make for yourself. I'm going to be blunt; Everything is going to be multiplatform and I wish they would just say that already so that the engagement baiters on X have nothing left to shout about on every single port announced and we can actually focus on the videogames again. It exhausts me to post news after news, trying to generate discussion and the only discussion generated is stuff like this, I'm not personally attacking you, I like you and I understand your worries but this whole discussion is so boring now, Lmao. Whether you like it or not, it doesn't matter, it is happening and it's time to accept it and move on. There is no amount of complaining that will change it. The Xbox Division will continue on, the videogames will be stronger for it overall and the studios. They have an incredible line up of games coming, an absolutely stacked year for 2025 and likely 2026 as well. Nobody knows what will happen to the console for certain, despite some people acting like prophets who can see 10 years into the future, Lol. There's at least 2-3 years of very strong Xbox Series support left before next-gen. There's at least another (confirmed) generation in Xbox. Xbox Series has the best support of any Xbox console and I personally believe people overestimate the install base required for support and believe there are dozens of possibilities to ensure support of future hardware, such as the rumoured Xbox/PC hybrid. I can't be arsed therefore to be constantly panicking about what happens to Xbox hardware in 6-10 years from now. I mean shit, who knows what my life overall would even be like 10 years from now, let alone gaming specifically, Lmao. Consoles have stagnated and we'll also see PS decrease the timeframe for PC ports until it's day one. Sometime in the future I may become a fully PC user regardless of what happens to Xbox consoles with increasing cost of hardware and PC becoming easier to access via multiple devices. I sympathise with your concern around games, achievements and saves and I do think Microsoft needs to push more into Play Anywhere/Cross-Buy so that those concerns will become lesser because even IF Xbox hardware ceased to exist, your achievements and library would be available on PC. That may be why they're trying to do an Xbox OS for PC but we have too many unknowns right now to answer those questions. Personally I feel confident in switching to PC with my Xbox profile if Xbox hardware ceased to exist. I'm not sure the friend concern is important in 2025. Practically every game now has cross-play, it doesn't matter where people play anymore. That is also why I think people overestimate a little how many people will switch simply because Halo is on PlayStation now. Because quite frankly there are millions of people who buy consoles largely for things like Fortnite, Call of Duty, etc. They will play other titles but most their time is spent on those games and with those games having cross-play there's no reason for them to care where their friends are playing and vice versa but there is a reason for them to care about their library/profile and remain stuck in said ecosystem. But either way, I recommend just waiting for what Xbox's future plans are when they are revealed. There's zero reason to worry about the near future and Xbox Series support and thus a decision doesn't have to be made immediately but you can just watch how things progress and still enjoy the amazing titles coming to the platform. Then make a decision of where to go once Microsoft's actual next gen plans are revealed because it's next gen that will show if your concerns have merit, not this gen, and you've already built up a huge library so what's another few years? You can't change the past. Just enjoy the present and take it one day at a time, Lol. Sorry for the long post, Lmao. I like you as a user but I'm just using you to get things off my chest This is a discussion which I'm so tired of that I've been ignoring it a lot lately and I'm trying to avoid spending too much time on it. Stick with Xbox and hope the Xbox hardware continues or move. Just have to make a decision that you're happy with and move on. |
Wow, thanks for taking time to write all that
One quote stay in my head "Just enjoy the present and take it one day at a time".
I think I'm to into a mood like "If A happened, then it will cause B that will lead to C ect" wich is totally bs cause like you said, who can predict the future, Nobody.
So I'll try to just go back to my Xbox and continue my run of Cyberpunk
Thanks again for giving your true point of view, that's super interesting and make me realizing that's all but concerning right now.