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This question is interesting because even if you had a game that you really really like erased from your memory and you played it again, that doesn't mean you would still love this game as much as you like today, because you would still compare this game with other games that you have already played after you played the game you forgot about. For example, Pokémon Emerald is my first and favorte Pokémon game. I don't know how much the impact of it being my first Pokémon game influenced in how much I like it. Say it I had Pokémon Emerald erased from my memory and play it now, my perception on it would be different because I would compare it with other Pokémon games that I played like Pokémon Black 2/White 2, Platinum, HearGold/SoulSilver and FireRed/LeafGreen (but I still would like Emerald).

That being said, one game that I think that I would still be amazed the same way as when I played it for the first time is Super Mario Galaxy, even comparing it with other Mario games that I played after