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Ryuu96 said:
shavenferret said:

In the past 30 years or so, some groups have committed most or all of the events that the majority of public would call terrorism.  It should be no small wonder that this leads to people giving a knee-jerk reaction to news events and casting suspicions upon said groups.  So, not sorry.  

So it's okay to assume everyone who isn't white is a Muslim or an immigrant? Okay to assume every American shooter is trans? Then on top of that, it's okay to assume every murderer is a Muslim/Immigrant/Trans? With zero facts? We just assume things are true nowadays with zero facts, you're saying that's okay? That's how the world should operate?

Ok, so a quite relevant event happened today, because there was a Ukrainian who decided to remove himself from the war and atrocities, only to be killed only hours ago by a terrorist.  This terrorist had an ISIS flag on his truck and IED's fired at cops and 15 people in total were killed.  30 wounded.   Here is a picture of this outstanding individual.  

Now, you're talking about assumptions and whatnot.  It is a fact that Muhammad spread Islam by the sword, and had a 10 year old wife (Aisha).  Those are historical facts. But it would be wrong to say that all Muslims are either terrorists (such as what happened today by a muslim) or warlike pedophiles who want to hurt others.  

If you want a link to the latest horrible news of terrorism, which is yet another event that just so happed to be caused by a muslim, when they are not all terrorists, you can click here: