Ryuu96 said:
So it's okay to assume everyone who isn't white is a Muslim or an immigrant? Okay to assume every American shooter is trans? Then on top of that, it's okay to assume every murderer is a Muslim/Immigrant/Trans? With zero facts? We just assume things are true nowadays with zero facts, you're saying that's okay? That's how the world should operate? |
Ok, so a quite relevant event happened today, because there was a Ukrainian who decided to remove himself from the war and atrocities, only to be killed only hours ago by a terrorist. This terrorist had an ISIS flag on his truck and IED's fired at cops and 15 people in total were killed. 30 wounded. Here is a picture of this outstanding individual.
Now, you're talking about assumptions and whatnot. It is a fact that Muhammad spread Islam by the sword, and had a 10 year old wife (Aisha). Those are historical facts. But it would be wrong to say that all Muslims are either terrorists (such as what happened today by a muslim) or warlike pedophiles who want to hurt others.
If you want a link to the latest horrible news of terrorism, which is yet another event that just so happed to be caused by a muslim, when they are not all terrorists, you can click here: