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Games #50 to #41
Games #40 to #31
Games #30 to #21
Games #20 to #11

Now, I begin with the top 10:

#10 Shadow of the Colossus

This game is one of the most unique experiences I've had in gaming, mainly due to the desolate and mysterious atmosphere of its overworld, which I found captivating, and the majestic battles against the colossi. Said boss battles are each like their own big puzzle, and are just incredible and frenetic experiences, climbing over a colossus and fearing that you'll fall, while trying to find the correct strategy to defeat it evokes so many feelings that not many other games are able to evoke. This game really gave me a lot of adrenaline rushes. While your aim is to defeat the colossi to revive Mono, as you progress through the game you start questioning the morality of your actions, which takes me to the game's subtle storytelling being one of its biggest strengths. While playing, I was always imagining what could have happened to that ruined place the protagonist was stuck in. The ending is incredibly memorable and one of my favorites in gaming, I cried the first time I saw it.

#09 Tales of the Abyss

I love what this game does in terms of character development and worldbuilding. The plot is highly engaging from beginning to end, with many impacting moments. Having said that, what I loved the most about the story are the topics of self-discovery and growth that it touches upon. It's really great to see the way the main protagonist Luke grows as the story progresses; but not only the protagonist changes, the relationships between the other characters also evolve over time, since they don't get along very well at first, but as time passes they actually become very good friends. The ending of this game is also very emotional and satisfying. Abyss also does a great job at fleshing out the villains, their motivations, and their relationships with the protagonists. I also love how deep the lore of the game's world is, as well as the whole concept of the setting. The game also has a good amount of side content, a lot of of which gives you deeper insights into the party members and the NPCs.

#08 Hades

This game's gameplay loop is just so addicting to me, every run feels different from the previous one, especially if you choose a different weapon, and you will always be acquiring different abilities on each run. I also really like how I always felt like I was progressing and getting stronger after each run. The combat system is incredibly fluid and engaging, and all the weapons feel very different to use from each other. Even if I love the gameplay flow, the game wouldn't be this high on the list if it wasn't for all the incredibly likable and memorable characters that it has, I really like how you build affinity with them as you talk more with them or give them gifts, which at the same time allows you to learn more about their backgrounds and personalities. Learning more about Zagreus' background while doing more runs was also highly satisfying to me. I also LOVE the game's setting (one of the main reasons I bought it) and the art style. Finally, it must be said that the soundtrack reeeeeally rocks.

#07 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

This was the first Zelda game I played, and it was an experience that truly blew me away, remaining my favorite Zelda until I played certain other one. Ocarina of Time is one of the most well rounded experiences of the Zelda series, not only it's the best-paced game out of the pre-BOTW 3D Zeldas, but it also features some of the best dungeons in the series, which shine mainly thanks to their well designed and intricate layouts, as well as thanks to their atmospheres. The boss battles are also very well designed and engaging to fight (I particularly love Twinrova), and while the items are nothing particularly innovative, they're fun to use. The story, while simple, features some really moving and memorable moments that I will never forget. Overall, Ocarina of Time's highs are probably not as high as those in other games in the series, but it doesn't have any particularly low lows or tedious stuff either. To finish, I want to say that this game has my favorite soundtrack in the series.

#06 Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Dragon Quest XI is one of the most memorable JRPG experiences I've had, it's just filled with a lot of moments that evoked a lot of joy and sometimes sadness on me. The cast of characters in this game is probably my favorite in JRPGs, or at least in the top 3. All of the party members have very charming and fleshed-out personalities, and I became really attached to them. A big part of the game's story, and what makes it memorable the most, is seeing how the characters develop and grow as people, as all party members have their own deep character arcs, which are also well incorporated into the main plot. The game also has a lot of memorable and endearing NPCs, who are fleshed-out and I actually became fond of them. Just like in previous DQ games, each town in this game has its own story arc or "vignette"; these vignettes are well written and help make you feel attached to the NPCs, they are a big part of what makes this game memorable. Also, this game has my favorite towns from any JRPG.

Now I only have the top 5 left but I'll post it tomorrow.

Last edited by Link_Nines.XBC - on 30 December 2024