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Guessed by @UnderwaterFunktown

Yup, it's Breath of the Wild.

This was the most hyped I've ever been for a game, and wow did it live up to the hype. Everything about this game is masterpiece. Well, that's not to say it doesn't have its flaws, it has many of them, but I've grown real tired of the term "flawed masterpiece" anyway. The thing about the flaws of Breath of the Wild is: they don't matter. This game blew my fucking mind.

No, seriously. Take a moment to remember what it felt like to play this on March of 2017 (wait, it's gonna be 8 years old already? Holy shit I'm old...). The first time we could freely explore Hyrule, this gorgeous take on Hyrule with so many of its classic landmarks as well as new landmarks done the utmost justice. Explore it everywhere we wanted, do whatever we wanted, in any way and order. Ignore whatever you didn't want to engage with, whether that was the shrines, the koroks, the story, hell even the dungeons! Everything is optional. This game was so bold for that. It gave the player all the freedom in the world, to play around in its world and with all its deeply complex physics and chemistry systems, in whatever way they wanted, and it was all so great.

I think a common problem with "you can do everything!" types of games is that they can lose their central identity in the process, and I'd argue that certainly happened with the sequel, but not here. Breath of the Wild somehow maintains a very strong vibe and identity throughout the adventure, whether you spend hundreds of hours finding every little thing there is to find, or rush your way to Ganon in half an hour. It just feels like Breath of the Wild. Nothing like it.