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#1 Resident Evil 4

The greatest. I did not really play more mature type games (maybe with the exception of Diablo) at the time this dropped on GameCube. It was the first game I ever enjoyed where the main guy uses a realistic gun-weapon. The remake is part of this list for just being able to imitate the original well enough. Whenever I get my hands on this, I play and replay it stupidly. I'm not a great player and I never mastered the hardest difficulty. But i just enjoy this game so freaking much. The suspense of it is something no other game, except for the remake, ever could replicate. My heart raises, even if I know what is going to happen, I feel so alive playing this game. 

I borrowed it on GameCube, bought it on PS2, Bought it on Wii - my favourite version, bought it on PS3 and bought it on Switch. All at full price on release and each time it was my favourite experience on each system. The epitome of the male fantasy. A lone hero overcoming unimaginable challenges in order to save the girl. I cannot imagine what any game would have to do in order to knock this down from the top spot. And for now, I do not even know if i want anything to best it. Cracking that code will probably melt my brain to a point of non-recognition. RE4ever.

Last edited by Pajderman - 5 days ago