Yeah, today there’s a third part of the news:
Ubisoft says that Assassin's Creed Shadows' ninja will be 'the fastest Assassin' it's ever done
The ninja of upcoming Assassin's Creed Shadows will, says Ubisoft, be the fastest assassin it's ever let loose on the unsuspecting guards and mission targets of their murderous little historical fantasy world.
Neon Inferno is half cyberpunk Contra, half gallery shooter
In the year 2055, New York City has become… rather pixelated. It's also a battlefield between factions including the police (who are corrupt), a corporation (who are corrupt), and the Yakuza (who are the Yakuza). As an assassin for an up-and-coming crime family, you're out to take down all the other factions in a city-spanning gunfight.
Mini Mini Golf Golf is an experimental adventure about time travel and climate collapse, told through the medium of miniature golf
Mini Mini Golf Golf isn't a particularly good golf game. The controls feel a tiny bit off, the physics are occasionally unpredictable and there's not many holes to putt your way through. That might put off some people, which is a shame, as it's just the tip of a thoroughly weird iceberg. In reality, this is an experimental narrative adventure about climate collapse, human memory, time travel and awkward FMV videogame theory podcasts. Just… mostly told through the medium of miniature golf.
Per tradition, more restricted military material has leaked on War Thunder's forums for the holidays
It has now been 0 days since somebody leaked military intelligence via the War Thunder forums, that hub of military-minded people posting about their most favorite free-to-play military hardware simulator. It's yet another leak for a game now synonymous with leaks of classified and restricted material from the modern military community.
Fallout's original designer is fine with the direction of the modern games: 'They're both what they are, and a ton of people like it'
Bethesda's tenure as the ruler of Fallout's Wasteland has brought with it massive changes: the first-person perspective, FPS combat, base building, its transformation into a survival MMO. Since Fallout 3, the series has gone off in a bunch of different directions, most of them distinct from the original vision of Fallout's creators.
Despite the significant changes that have occurred since Cain bid farewell to the series, though, he doesn't think its transformation is a bad thing. "We were going in a different direction," he says. "I'm not saying it's bad. People immediately want to go, ‘Well, that's bad, right?’ No, they're both what they are, and a ton of people like it."
'If you're a billion dollar company advertising your game, ask permission!': Charlie the Unicorn creator chews out Warner Bros after MultiVersus ad uses his work without approval
Charlie the Unicorn creator Jason Steele has given Warner Bros. a disapproving finger wag after a MultiVersus advert used audio from the short film without so much as a "pretty please" from the multi-billion dollar corporation.
The OG creators pitched Dead Space 4 to EA this year, but the publisher gave a flat 'no' so 'we didn't take it any further'
The key creatives behind Dead Space have revealed that earlier this year they tried to interest Electronic Arts in Dead Space 4, but the publisher took a pass. (...)
The remake in particular made it seem like EA might have plans to return to Dead Space, but sadly it sounds like that's not the case. Schofield sat for an interview alongside Dead Space's creative director Bret Robbins and animation director Christopher Stone on the Dan Allen Gaming Podcast (spotted by PCGN), discussing Dead Space generally, before near the end thoughts turned to a possible future for the series.
Resurfaced Metal Gear Solid interview shows how Kojima made Yoji Shinkawa's designs the game's beating heart: 'Hell yeah, a cyborg ninja!'
While it was far from his first game as director, 1998's Metal Gear Solid is the title that established Hideo Kojima as one of the gaming greats. Pioneering in its cinematic approach, playfulness and outstanding imaginative parameters, the game marked a huge leap forward for 3D action generally, and single-handedly made stealth a genre that everyone from Sony to Ubisoft would try their hand at: None of the imitators, of course, got close to the Tactical Espionage Action that inspired them.
A contemporary interview about Metal Gear Solid from 1998 in the Japanese PlayStation magazine has now resurfaced, translated by Schmuplations and spotted by GR+, in which Kojima and series artist Yoji Shinkawa discuss the game's development, and the latter's influence over not just the game's aesthetics but the core design. Kojima recalls seeing Shinkawa's portfolio when assessing job candidates, and that "I’ve never seen anyone who I immediately wanted to give an S until Shinkawa" (Konami would internally grade submissions from C to A).
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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