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Guessed by @UnderwaterFunktown

It's been a few years now since I last replayed Pokémon X & Y, and I'm starting to miss it. I know having this as my favorite Pokémon game is a hot take and I acknowledge it every year, but the last time I replayed through it proved to me that I'll never feel differently about it, and the internet's overwhelming indifference for this game will never change my opinion. This game is beautiful, it was a tremendous work made with so much passion and heart, and it shows in every aspect of it.

I know every franchise game in existence is always supposed to be "the biggest one yet", but X & Y truly did feel and to me still feels like the most ambitious and definitive Pokémon experience. Everything about this game feels absolutely huge to me. Maybe it's the ridiculously awesome soundtrack which blows away most OST's I've ever heard, or maybe it's the fact that it was the first fully 3D Pokémon game, or maybe it was the Mega Evolutions which at the time seemed like the big next step for the series, only to turn out to be the first (and by far most impactful) of many attempted gimmicks since. Or maybe it's anything else. The story and characters are criticized by many, but they've always impacted me and the ending remains absolutely beautiful and gets me emotional every time. I don't know what it is exactly, but X & Y really do feel so massive and important to me, I remember back then they felt that way to most people, and I don't know what's made people change their minds on it but mine hasn't changed. The franchise has gone downhill after this, not since it.