Mummelmann said: I rolled a Monk, just to try it, it's said to be the easier of the two melee focused classes. My god. I've smacked all main bosses without dying a single time, Act 1 main boss in his last phase was ended in one go; he didn't even get to summon his friends. The damage output is insane, at least for now. I have over twice the DPS my Mercenary or Warrior had at the end of Act 2, except I'm still at the very beginning of Act 2 (stacks yield about 950DPS at level 21, and this is without the Tempest Bell wreaking havoc). |
Looks like you found a good build early. I went in blind and my chosen build was pretty bad for act 1 and 2. I pivoted to another build and destroyed act 3.
Waiting for Marauder to roll my 2nd character.