epicurean said: I'm a completionist and was really annoyed by all the mini-games/etc in Rebirth. I did all the work for the protocrelic and then at the end you have to tackle some very difficult bosses I didn't stand a chance against and would've probably really had to grind for awhile on. And many of the mini-games just weren't fun for me. If I was able to just play the main story and not all the stuff on the side I didn't like I would've liked it a lot more. Still looking forward to the last one, though. |
I'm a completionist too and after hearing about the mini games and grind I just decided that I'm not willing to put in the time into Rebirth. Which, by extension, means I'm not willing to put in anytime into Remake (which I have from PS+) nor the 3rd (presumably final) game.