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"This sounds suspiciously like white male victimhood; as if you're implying that woke ideology believes white men can't be discriminated against."

Alot of people typically that support this stuff, do voice that opinion. Theres tons of youtube videos and twitter posts saying just that.

"Why did you bother looking up the proper definition in the first place if you weren't even going to use it?"
Because you have posts above, saying everyone has their own opinion on it, and its the title of the thread.

"What game ever made even fits this description?"
Didn't Concord lack any white straight male character option? I remember people complaining about that.

"What dev makes ugly women in order to avoid the male gaze? Please cite your sources."
There's tons (online echo chambers) that think this is the right way to go.
There'ss a thread about it on resetera:

"Again, what agenda? To what end? What would furthering that agenda accomplish?"

Theres almost a hate of everything male, amoung these people.
So you see male characters emasulated, compared to say 10years ago.
You see female characters all being with a strong jawline and masculine features.... its like a trend people have noticed.
Just like how every game used to have that 1 standard white guy, every game protag looked like, now its the other way around.
Western devs started make alot of ugly looking female characters.

What aganda does it push? well.... these are the people that don't agree with "the male gaze", so they get to own the chuds.
Then post about it on twitter. They don't care, because of friend circles, and just getting new jobs.
They don't if it affects the (precieved) quality of the game or its sales.
Its mostly activist (feminists) programmers, that dislike pretty characters.... while even most female players of said games, purposefully go for beautifull character models.

"What do you mean 'instead'? Does the game not provide options for both? What's wrong with providing the option to those who appreciate it?"
I don't think the game allows you to swap your sex or character model, at the whim of a button push. So no.... it doesn't.

"Why is making and sending someone a beer can with their face on it woke? Is it only objectionable when that person is a trans influencer? Why did the right collectively lose their fucking minds over such a simple gesture?"

Why isn't it?
Who drinks the vast majority of beer? Its a guy.
For some reason, instead of appealing to men,... they did the opposite and it impacted how many guys would buy it.
The better question is, why did they go out of their way to ruin a good thing? Didn't they suspect this could piss off their customers? They didn't care.
The person in charge, thought the messaging was more important, than the customer.

"Is this referring to Veilguard? "

No its not.... KLXVER was making a exsample of where, it wouldn't make any sense to have pronouns in a game.
I quote it, and said, yes in the middle ages the term didn't exist yet.

"A meme calling people dickheads is a vicious attack, now? "

I never said it was a vicious attack (that was KLXVER)... I think its just rude to be fair.
You can disagree and start name calling people all you want.

Anyways... this is starting to feel like a "we can't discuss this rationally" off thread.
Its a bait thread.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 14 December 2024