Some will be upset at Witcher 4 seemingly disregarding your choices but I don't care, maybe I'd feel differently if it wasn't a choice I made though, because my ending in Witcher 3 was for Ciri to become a Witcher, Lol. I feel the same for Mass Effect 4 that it should disregard the choice and make a canon decision but again, I'm pretty sure they're going to do some variation of the Destroy ending and that's the one I went for, so maybe I'm just selfish in not caring, Lmao. But at some point these games trip themselves into making such massively different endings that it puts a sequel in a bit of difficulty because it would just be too much to make 3 completely different scenarios.
Reminder that it was a mistake for Gears 5 to make a split decision.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 13 December 2024