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Killer is Dead.

SUDA51 action game from the 360 era. I like the game a lot. It's weird yes but it also has a less haha penis and balls jokes of NMH or Lollipop Chainsaw and is more Killer7 but something about it also reminds me of a great old anime movie from the 80s called Wicked City. Wicked City was more or less Men in Black meets Blade Runner meets Demons.  Gruesome but awesome. The game was released late in 2013, close to PS4/XBO release dates so that didn't help it. I think it would be ore liked today. Thankfully it is on Xbox BC titles and is on Steam but the Steam port works for some and not for others. If it crashes within the first level then get a refund as that's the issue. GoG is no different.

Mega Man legends 2. It ended on a cliffhanger. Mega Man is still on the moon and Capcom pulled the plug on 3 on 3DS and then blamed fans.

Bulletstorm. One of my fave FPS games and you guessed it. Ended on a cliffhanger.. We almost had a sequel but they decided to work on Gears Judgment instead. BAD CALL!

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!