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Kwaad said: HappySqurriel said: First off you realize that performance on a single site does not represent a larger trend, right? On top of that it is only a sales ranking which doesn't really give much information. Hypothetically speaking, could have been receiving very small shipments of Wii systems because they are not a large retailer for Nintendo in the UK ... On the other hand maybe Sony said that they would ensure Amazon had enough systems to fill all pre-orders ... Or maybe the PS3 is just disproportionately popular in the UK ... Consider #2 Wii #8 PS3 #9, #10, #90 DS Lite #22 DS #40 VSmile Pocket #7 Wii #29,#40 DS Lite #58 DS #64,#86 Gameboy Micro *Not sure about germany... don't speak german You do know that England is a large portion of the European market... right? Anyone wanna spit a number as to what % it is? England and France. Both the PS3 has good standings. The PS3 is gonna rock europe hard. I am not compareing it to the Wii. So put some 360 numbers on there buddy. The Wii is gonna be a run-away hit untill people get tired of it. When will that be? No-one knows. Question is, where is the 360 on those lists?
I must agree with Kwaad, xbox360 is no super hit in europe. Mayby the lead will hold the entire year but I do not know actuly.



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