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To me, this is the best playing TPS ever. I like my Gears. I like Space Marine. I like Binary Domain. EX Troopers. Fall of Cybertron and more.

In an era of Gears of War clones and cover third-person shooters. This had bad marketing. The era of the West hating Japan. It didn't help that most Gears clones sucked and most Japanese third-person shooters were nothing special aside from a handful. The thing is, VanQuish is not a Gears clone nor a cover shooter, Binary Domain was. The rocket sliding while entering slow-motion (think third-person shooter Bayonetta Witch time) makes it unique. No other game before or since has done something this cool. Like any Platinum game, you can combine melee and shooting combos.

Tell me how this is just another cover shooter or Gears clone.

While the thread is mainly about games that never received a sequel I also said proper sequels so maybe a game got a follow-up but it was a spinoff or a mobile thing. For example, El Shaddai got a Sequel on Vita/Switch in the form of a Shin Megami Tensei clone. I think Titanfall 2 also counts since the first is MP only. 2 had an SP campaign so it skirts the rules but still works.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!