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staticneuron said: All I know is that there is a high chance that the 4 mill lined up for europe will pretty much sell out. Initial shipments of most consoles sell out. That number might very well put the PS3 over the Wii in terms of worldwide sales. After this happens I wonder if people will continue to say the PS3 is doing horrible.
I would probarbly do it :) mostly because I never belived that sony would be so bad in Japan. I honestly thought that mayby Wii could do 50/50 against ps3 because of the DS. Now they are leading with 1 million. I do belive that the first million will sell well and after that, the sales will slow down after the initial rush (just like it did in USA and Japan), until the price drop come. Have problem to see that all EU sony fans would jump ship to Wii or xbox360. BUT I do belive that not all sony fans belive that PS3 is worth 599€ + VAT



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!