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It's even hard to recommend a card that's under $400 USD at the moment. 8GB cards are just best to be avoided IMHO.
The Radeon 7700XT 12GB at $440 USD is probably the better "low priced" card, it's better than the 4060Ti 16GB and it's cheaper.

But then you have the Radeon 7800XT at $500 USD which is price equivalent to the 4060Ti 16GB.
And yet, the 4060Ti outsells the 7800XT despite the 7800XT being vastly superior for the same price.

Intel's lower prices are attractive, but they aren't selling in volume to apply pressure to AMD or nVidia yet.

It's hard to get around brand awareness to be honest... And with the Radeon 8000 series and Geforce 5000 series only a few months away... It's tempting to hold off.

But then you have the Tariff issue (Only is you are a US citizen) which could make GPU prices increase substantially, so it's probably better financially to buy right now and hold onto it for a few years.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--