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I won't believe anything anymore. PS3 number is obviously fake because the system was not discontinued in october 2016, it was discontinued May 30,2017. It was on the market over 10 years. Its final total is 87,4 million. PSP i absolutley don't buy because its exactly 1 million over the GBA. Nobody will believe that number only for a second. Also Produced=/= Shipped. The PS2 picture is obviously fake, otherwise we could kiss 161/ 162 million dreams goodbye. We know the PS2 numbers changed 2 times for the same date. And if there where "only" 160,636,885 million PS2s produced, we can at least subtract a bunch of million for the official shipment number: Demo stations in store where never sold but shipped back to Sony at the end of the systems lifetime because those units where not for sale. The same goes for te PSP. PSP's shipments are below GBA and PS2's shipments are below 160 million! No way in hell there where only 636.000 units shipped to stores as demostations, developing systems... add in the fact the same happened for the PS2 slim+ many bigger stores had 2 or more of them, 160 million is absolutley impossible for the final shippment number. No matter what Sony says.