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Part 2: I cast ressurection! How many lands does that cost me?


He talks about tutorials in a game being that the game is already too complicated in other words pick up and play. I wont dare to define it anymore than how he already did so I'll venture deeper into what is said.

- Just to prove a point to Steven I'm going to attempt to write this next thought in Malstrom format!

A game that needs a tutorial to teach you an example being Metal Gear Solid 4 is broken by his definition but wait, whats that now reader?

Reader(in this case BengaBenga) "Malstrom has no credability anymore! As we all know Metal Gear Solid is a great series and four proves that!"

Well to tell the truth the narrative behind Metal Gear Solid Four was replicating the movie model so it was actually more of an interactive movie than a game narrative, however let's talk about the components of it that as a g..

Reader "But MGO dib8rman, MGO!"

Reader please calm down I'm not attacking your preffered game I'm analyzing the definition of Malstrom's context - we can look at sales all day long but that's nothing but content and doesn't explain if a game is good or not as that type of judgement is based on the observer(s); remember we are trying to understand Malstrom's context and nothing else - so please don't interrupt me again. As I was saying let's talk about the components of Metal Gear Solid 4 that make it a game one of which is Metal Gear Online. This narrative behind this component is actually steriotypical to it's genre, the element of team against team and free for all turns this into a shooter and not an espionage game, so we will analyze this as a shooter game. Metal Gear Online (MGO) is a broken game component.

Reader "No! it's not dib8rman! Metacriti..."

Since when do other people tell you what you like? Now stop interrupting me unless you having something eventfull to say. The game requires layers upon layers of tutorials that barely skim the surface of the controls accesible to the players in the game, by the end of everything most players don't even know how to lay the person on the ground and cut their throat untill weeks of playing have gone by and another player informs them.

Reader "Your speaking in anecdot dib8rman, your personal expriences don't determine everyone elses - though it is quite funny that your such a noob."

Hmm, I thought I told you something, but you bring up a good point so here's a bit of homework for you - I'm certain you have Metal Gear Solid 4 reader, go and try out the online component with your mom or dad who has never played the game before, then come back to me with your frustration on having to explain how to do the actions never explained in the online tutorial.

Reader "Anecdote dib8rman anecdote."

Hmm well since we are talking about wide appeal in simplicity let's bring sales into the bid, Metal Gear is an established series correct?

Reader "uh huh, Wait! I thought you said sales weren't important in determining if the product is good!"

I'm talking about consumer acceptance not if the product is good or not, surely if anything sales numbers are good for it's measuring how many people bought a product.

Actually I have go go to sleep now would love to continue this tommorow but I did this for laughs

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D