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Contraditory design.

Gamepad was meant to be used to enhance the immersion with a second screen *.
Yet another value of gamepad was to allow to play in a single screen without the TV.
However, both are contradictory. If you desing the game for one of them, you break the other, or the function would be unoptimized.
Media complained: "This game dont use the imersion of gamepad well" or "It wont allow to use in a single screen only". Devs couldnt only port, they should use the gamepad. Even if was not intendet in the game design.
Yet, made the console very expensive

IMHO, the gamepad should be an acessory, like the PSVR was to PS4.
Then, Wii U sould be released earlier (without the extra time they took to design and build games for the gamepad), when the wii fever wasnt dead.
Latter, release th gamepad, with some games.

*Yet some say the having to switch screens break the imersion, it takes you from the wolrd getting you to the real world where you switch screens.