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Some estimated hardware numbers for EU Oct from Resetera suggests:
PS5: 232K
Switch: 99k
XB: 25K

Alco, COD BO6 sales were up this year on PS, if I read correctly.

COD ain't leaving PS anytime soon regardless of whatever contract may or may not be in place. Entertaining the idea is foolish because there's just too much money on the table for MS to do it, and I highly doubt MS is going to risk the possibility of a non-PS version meaning an explosion in sales for the Xbox version.

MS's current issue isn't whether From games stop releasing on Xbox or not: it's how to ensure that their userbase is still purchasing games in addition to owning a gamepass subscription. If they ain't buying, then it wouldn't matter if From games released on Xbox or not. They most assuredly aren't hitting Gamepass in any reasonable timeframe either.